Corrections Policy
All Things Forney is committed to accuracy, fairness and completeness of news articles, headlines and captions online. We are committed to correcting all errors and encourage our sources, our readers and the community to point out any errors they encounter.
These include:
- errors of fact
- misspelling of names
- improper or missing context
Errors can be reported by contacting the newsroom at co*********@al*************.com.
Requests can be anonymous, or you can provide your contact information for follow-up. The format of an online correction will vary. Inadvertent typographical errors which do not have an impact on meaning will be corrected without special mention. Misspellings of names will be corrected with a notation. Factual errors, or issues with context or which impact the meaning of a story will be corrected through the use of corrections.
Mistakes can and will happen during our reporting process. While we want to get it right, we also know we need to acknowledge when we don’t. We want to be transparent about mistakes, so our information is as accurate and complete as possible. If you have questions about this corrections policy, please contact managing ed****@al*************.com with suggestions or concerns.
Have a suggestion for a story? Please let us know as well!