TXDOT has sent a mailer to all residents and businesses located along FM 548 from FM 1641 to where it meets FM 740, and also to those located along FM 740 from where it meets FM 548 to I-20. They will hold a public meeting about the improvements being considered for this project on Tuesday July 11th, 2023 from 5:30 pm to 7:30 pm located at Forney High School Cafeteria (1800 College Ave, Forney, TX 75126). The letter that went out is the proposal to widen this road from it’s current 2 lane rural road, to a 4 lane divided urban roadway with raised medians, curb and gutter, a bridge widening at the Mustang Creek crossing, and a 10 foot wide shared-use path on boths sides of the road.

The proposed project would, subject to final design consideration, require approximately 8.5 acres of additional ROW and potentially displace 3 residential and 1 business structures. More information including all documentation from the meeting will be provided by TXDOT at the time of the meeting, and All Things Forney will post as well.