Edited: 10/23/23 7:50pm – added dissolution page from May 13th 2022 filing
As early voting begins today, you may have noticed signs all over Forney promoting a vote yes for the proposed ballot item for Forney ISD’s referendum changing the tax rate. Many residents have even received mailers supporting a vote yes all from the group using the name Vote Yes For Forney ISD and identified with chairman Keith Shaver on their website.

As seen on their website, mailers, and signs their name appears but without indication of a Special Political Action Committee (SPAC or PAC) being formed as required by Texas Electoral Laws.

In our research, no PAC under this name has been filed with the Texas Ethics Commission as of 10/22/2023. Further investigating also shows that the required 30 Day Finance Campaign Report has not been filed with the Texas Ethics Commission as well. This 30 Day report was due on 10/10/2023 also naming a treasurer for the PAC to be within the requirements by the state of Texas and the TEC.

The only filing for a similar name was Vote YES Forney ISD (#00084043 FilerID) which filed dissolution on May 13, 2022 and is no longer active. The PAC-DR Form was filed to complete the dissolution of the Vote YES Forney ISD SPAC in 2022.

This is a developing story and will be updated as any new information may be found.