Filing ended on Friday February 16th 2024, for the May 4th, 2024 local elections for Forney City Council and Forney ISD Board of Trustee places. Below are the respective candidates (in no specific order) for each place. We encourage all citizens to get registered to vote and come to the polls to cast your ballot. If you are unsure about your registration or would like additional information on how to get registered, a link will be provided below.
Forney City Council Elections:
Place 1
* James Traylor (incumbent)
* Caz Tankersley
Place 3
*Jay Weatherford
* Sandi Primous (incumbent)
Place 5
*Zahnd Schlensker (incumbent)
Forney ISD Board of Trustees Elections:
Position 3
*Michael Idemudia (incumbent)
*Lynette Daniels
Position 4
*Yuel Neal
*Hanna Doan Bateman (incumbent)
To learn more about voter registration, visit HERE
Forney Candidates Filed for City Council and ISD Board of Trustees